Evolution of Cyber Security

Digital transformation is not a new subject. However, the technology-driven evolution of the business to develop more efficient ways of interacting with customers and produce products is fuelling business change. As companies transform, security must be an integral part of the process. Using the cloud, mobile apps, and allowing the employees to use several devices means the threat footprint is more prominent than in the past. The days are gone when you could configure a network perimeter firewall, and the system is safe. As our world becomes varied and virtual, the defenses are also changing. However, you can be sure that security isn’t lagging. The Technologies are transforming the security operations industry as well. The number of innovative products and services is growing, which will help us fill the gap and keep you one step ahead.

Malware and Ransomeware are emerging and becoming a significant asset in recent times. It has become an organized crime. Cyber ​​mercenaries are now operating from different nations and can grow as a result of the epidemic. The communication system tracking system has created flawed characters, and opponents will escalate their attacks on software delivery companies and operating companies. The threat situation continues to grow exponentially. With so many IoT devices that are less secure, some tools and frameworks continue to help us in reducing the risk as much as possible.

So, how do you start building your defenses? The critical resource that we have to focus on is data. The first step is to understand what informations you have which might be valuable to hackers. Data and Information related to businesses have become commodities, so anything that could have a resale value is a target. It can be valuable customer data or intellectual property. Someone trying to defame a company can demand a ransom or threaten to make a hacked public. The loss of confidence and brand impact is harder to measure in terms of amount, but as we have witnessed from some high-profile cybersecurity breaches in the last few years, they can have a severe impact. Changing your mindset and thinking like a hacker is how modern security experts start strategizing against them. Learning how you archive, store and protect your data and Information is a crucial first step. New regulations have been implemented (see GDPR), making it necessary for an information audit, so taking the first step will save your effort later down the road.

It all starts with the network, and the adoption of zero-trust network access (ZTNA) is required. ZTNA empowers security teams with a continuous real-time check of who gets the Information and when. With the endorsement of software-defined networks and the growing trend of target-based networks, that this enables in conjunction with Gartner Inc.’s CARTA’s growth strategy is an increasing trend.

It can also help in dealing with the 5G attack zone. As 5G availability grows, so will your attacks. 5G provides easy network integration into industrial control systems and operational technology (ICS / OT). However, the result is an increase in attacks and exposure to fundamental errors in how these networks work. Reliance on ICS / OT sites on network fragmentation today to reduce risks will not be the same. The “castle and ditch” days are over, and VPNs are over again.

Infrastructure such as code, PaaS, and SaaS is a simple new button for attackers. DevSecOps and shift-left have been the mainstay of temporary security teams. However, business speed and the need to use shared libraries, software development kits, and integrated development environments are ongoing. Multifactor certification is required to combat these risks and a proven business continuity/disaster recovery plan (BC / DR) to help reduce this risk and do not forget to make a difficult test. Disruption programs for these firms will go so far; at some point, the responsibility rests with the user.

The use of public data centers to measure will expose you to secure data management. The public cloud will continue to grow. While it makes it easy to mount, a lack of a strict QA policy and data purity policy can lead to disclosing written assets and sensitive data. They say “measure twice, cut once” is a memorandum. Hyperscale cloud providers must have built-in encryption and management KPIs that are easy to manage and distribute at a level.

As this trend continues to catch on, DevOps and DevSecOps are transforming into special platform groups. While this gives dev teams better control over cloud performance, security, and performance of dev tools, there is still an enormous skills gap in the market, so reliance on managed security service providers (MSSPs) is still needed. Security teams will need to emerge and empower these groups with better tools and better leadership and policy to ensure that the required marketing speed for these groups needs to be aligned. Additionally, security will require you to look at the risk-based risk management services or continue to use MSSPs on these microservices.

Large-scale cloud providers need to ensure cloud application security planning and API security aligns with their advanced products. As these public cloud companies are growing and use DL / AI / ML frameworks, we need to remember to use DL / AI / ML on both sides of the wall. Whether they use or upgrade DL / AI / ML tools to create malware that can reliably defeat DL / AI / ML security tools or be used for this to detect deep-fakes and bot media attacks, the threat will increase.

DL / AI / ML will need to play a vital role in security testing. A new game of cat and mouse. These tools adapt to work with dev teams to detect real-time risks.

With an increasing trend in the remote workforce, cybersecurity has become more complicated than before. Organizations must increase their focus on security and support the employees who are working remotely. It has become a monster undertaking because as companies allow for more BYOD and the increased landscape of threats by these remote workers, they need to pivot away from traditional endpoint protection. The issue isn’t employees downloading BitTorrents on company property. Now, it’s looking into all the OT devices accessing the home network, including streaming services. YouTube and Twitch and their tiebacks to your Google and Amazon accounts can make these services lucrative for attackers. Additionally, bad actors live in the network and learning, which is just another attack vector to take advantage of the network’s security flaw.