Like many pioneering technologies Next Generation Infrastructure (NGI) is hailed as a transformative option, yet most organizations have not yet fully taken advantage of it possibly due to the up-front investment. Even with the promise of leaner operations that rely more on cloud-provider-level hardware and software efficiencies, NGI’s maturity and complexity has slowed adoption.
Next Generation Infrastructure is a highly automated platform for the delivery of IT infrastructure services built on top of new and open technologies such as cloud computing. NGI facilitates better support of new business needs opened up by big data, digital customer outreach, and mobile applications. NGI technologies offer open-source infrastructure-management environments to software-defined networking, software-as-a-service offerings, cloud orchestration and management, and application-configuration management.
NGI involves deploying technological solutions from the data center to hardware to middleware and through the application layer, and often entails fundamental changes to the enterprise’s work flows and IT operating model. That’s one more challenge that infrastructure leaders must face along with how to deliver higher service levels and the latest and greatest IT-enable capabilities – all while managing costs.
There is no question that the promises of next generation infrastructure is exciting, but the priority of IT leaders are:
- Generate more value and improve security
- Reduce cost of existing IT assets and operations and provide support for the growing number of end-user devices/applications
- Develop and deploy new applications and migrate legacy applications to cloud infrastructure
Are the challenges of NGI worth the rewards? That depends. Ask yourself these questions.
- Are you currently working with a vendor-independent firm with the insight and knowledge to guide you through increasingly complex technology decisions and the practical skills to plan, deploy and manage new solutions quickly and cost effectively?
- Have you had an infrastructure assessment to identify strengths and weaknesses to highlight areas for improvement and provide recommendations and a strategic roadmap?
It may be easier than you think to move forward with next generation infrastructure. We can show you how to improve the performance of your infrastructure, reduce costs, improve availability and deliver new services faster. It’s a smart starting point.
Contact us or register for your no cost infrastructure assessment report today.